May 13, 2010

Toilets in Asia

As we conducted research into living on the road in Asia and determined what items were critical to bring with us, I came across many articles about the bathroom facilities, specifically, squat toilets. This kind of toilet is not new to us as we have seen and used them in various European countries, but they were the exception rather than the rule. Based on the articles I was reading, the squat toilet will be the rule, rather than the exception in Asia. Ugh!

Instructional video on using squat toilets.:

G- Did you read those articles and look at that video I sent you?
P- Yes, and they scared me! I have visions of bodily fluids all over my $100, only pair of shoes and it’s not pretty!
G- You know, because of my IBS, my biggest fear on this adventure isn’t getting lost or mugged or having trouble with the languages, it is getting an attack of the flying shits and not having anywhere to go.
P- I know, but I’m sure you’ve already thought of and read articles on taking precautions. Maybe we should get you some “depends”, just in case.
G- Yes, we’ll do all that we can, but there is no way to be 100% safe. I’m not worried so much about getting an attack, as long as there is a bathroom.
P- Well, we know that we are not picky and can go anywhere. Hell, we have peed in some seriously disgusting port-o-john’s during Mardi Gras.
G- And what could be worse than the Pot-o-gold on the last Sunday of Jazz Fest when it is 100 degrees and damn near filled to the top.
P- We can definitely handle disgusting places, but we’ll have to carry our own toilet paper and hand sanitizer for places that have neither, and it seems like that will be a lot of places.
G- Yes, we can ‘GO’ anywhere. The problems I see that we need to practice for holding our breath and work on squatting to build our quad muscles. You’d definitely better work on that. God forbid your legs give out while you’re going and you fall onto one of those nasty things!
P- If that happens, just shoot me and leave my nasty body in a rice paddy somewhere!
G- Several articles and blogs talk about these devices that enable women to pee standing up. I’m going to check into this more; it seems like a good idea.
P – Yeah, just what I always wanted…a portable penis!!!
G- Not exactly.  I've never wanted a penis..............except maybe when we were is very awkward hanging your ass over the side of the boat.