Aug 4, 2010

Where is Robin Hood?

With our new method of flying by the seat of our pants, of course we don't have hotel reservations anywhere. Hell, we don't even have an itinerary. *cringes*  So when we arrived in the big town of Garberville, Main St. about 4 blocks, we stopped at the motels and inquired about the rates.  Having brought some frozen food with us, (food that Phyllis cooked and froze for the first week of our trip) we needed a  microwave to heat it.

As luck would have it, we ended up at the Sherwood Forest Motel, a place out of the 50's, but with WiFi!
On our journey from Nola to SF we had started the practice of having an evening Bloody Mary after we'd check into our hotel, so we revived this practice and sat outside our room playing on Facecrack and sipping our Bloodies.

P- Let's go in and have dinner.  I'm going to heat the red gravy and meat sauce I cooked..
G- Ok, I'll get the rest of the stuff out of Stormy and fix the bed so it'll be ready when we get tired.
P- What are you going to do with the bed?
G- You know I'm scraping off that nasty bedspread.  Since we brought our old bedspread in case we camped, I'm going to put it on the bed.
P- Alright my freaky girl, do whatever you want to the bed.  The spread looks clean to me.
G- You should thank me. God only knows what kind of schmegma is on that bedspread.  That's why they are made in those dark, multi-colored patterns, so you can't see the nasty shit that's on them.

We enjoyed our cocktails and dinner and watched several bikers check into Sherwood Forest.  We decided it was a good thing to have bikers around and watching some of these old(er) dudes and chicks get off their Harleys after a long day made us feel better about the decrepit condition of our post move bodies.

P- I'm gonna take a shower before I go to bed.
G- Why are you gonna shower when you took one not that long ago and you've only been riding in the car?
P- Because I feel dusty from driving all day.
G- You didn't ride on a horse.
P- Shut up bitch!  Why do you care if I take a shower?
G- I don't care if you take a shower, but it's odd that you feel dirty from driving in a nice clean car, but you're willing to sleep under that skank bedspread.  Now that's F*ed up.
P- To the moon Alice!  You wear my ass out!  Shut the hell up!