Sep 10, 2010

Saying Good-bye, Again.

Today was the fiinal push to get everything organized so that tomorrow we could put it into Stormy and hit the road early.  We went to Shannon's, gathered everything and took it to Coco's.  Of course, it took more than one trip, and while this was not a good omen,  we were going to put stuff in the rooftop carrier, so we'd be fine.  Coco had suggested that we have a little going away party, so after organizing and transporting all of our stuff to Coco's, we prepared for the little party.  John & Rory, Greg & Rod, and Coco's neighbors came over and were greeted at the door by Coco's friends' dog which was also kind enough to hump everyone's leg. A very friendly dog!  We had a good time but by 1:30 AM, we had had enough and said good night and went off to bed. 

We awoke around 6:00 AM to use the bathroom and when we opened the bedroom door, were shocked ..............

G- (opening & quickly closing the door) People are still here.  What time is it?

P- It's 6:00 AM.  What the hell?  Who is still here?  You mean from last night?

G- That appears to be the case because they're wearing the same clothes.  It's John & Rory & Coco and they're doing something on the computer.

P- OMG! They must be crazy!!

We looked at them through squinted eyes, used the bathroom, and went back to bed. We weren't hitting the road this early.