Nov 24, 2010

Please Cover the Ass Crack

Just exiting our room on our way to breakfast at 8:00 am.......

G- What the hell is that woman wearing? It looks like something you would wear at night... is what she was wearing last night.

P- What's going on? She looks like a hooker in that get up.

G- I believe that she is a hooker. The guy from the front desk is walking her out. She came from that guido looking Aussie's room. (We later found out he was a guido looking American.)

P- She's somewhat attractive, but she should loose that leopard print, hoochie momma dress and she wouldn't look so much like a hooker.

G- On that note, let's have breakfast.

It's hard to believe, but we were still wiped out from traveling, lack of sleep, and the Balinese heat, so we spent the day by the pool. Immediately after breakfast we donned our suits and took up residency on the 2 lawn chairs nearest our room. We visited with our hotel neighbors as they came and went, swam, read and wrote blogs. After lunch JoAnn came around asking if we wanted massages. As luck would have it, Phyl had been saying for days that she needed a massage. We negotiated a price of 70,000 rupiah each (about $7.00) and JoAnn commenced massaging Phyllis right on her lawn chair. Flipping onto her back and removing her bathing suit, down to her waist, was the tricky part, but fortunately there was no one at the restaurant to enjoy a bird's eye view. After Phyl's 1 hour massage it was my turn. “Hey, JoAnn, I appreciate that you want to get my lower back, but could you at least leave enough of my bathing suit to cover my ass crack? I'm sure my hotel neighbors do not want to see my ass crack!” After our massages we lounged in a state of euphoria, our muscles feeling better than they had in weeks.

G- You ready to take a walk and sit on the beach for a while? I want to get in the Indian Ocean today.

P- Yes. Let's apply more lotion. I know JoAnn rubbed all of mine off.

After walking to the beach ..............

P- I've got to get in the water. I'm about to die from heat exhaustion.

G- Ah! This is what beach water is supposed to feel like! It's warm like the Gulf of Mexico.

P- The water is prettier today than it was the other day.

G- It's less cloudy. The water is so clear that it seems to have no color. But look at it where the waves break, it looks light green.

P- It's fabulous!!! But don't go out too far. I don't want that wave to get you.

G- Check out those 2 girls in the head scarves and bikinis. WTF?!?

P- Are they Muslims?

G- That appears to be the case. I have read that some young, progressive Muslim girls choose to wear the headscarf as a sign of respect to their religion, because it's important to have the head covered, but that seems kind've crazy!

P- Yes it does! Why cover your head and leave your tits and ass hanging out? That scarf has 20 times more fabric than that skimpy little bathing suit.

G- People do all kinds of crazy things as a supposed nod to their religions. How many Catholics do we know who haven't been to church in 20 years but don't eat meat on Friday's in Lent? I don't really see a difference. I don't imagine it would be well received if I went over and asked them about it. I'm very curious.

P- Um, No! I think you'd better stay here.

Back at the hotel we arranged for transportation to Ubud.