Sinar Bali allowed us to pay for ½ of a day and check out at 6:00 pm. This is a great feature because, it seemed that almost everyone's flight left at night. We were able to spend the day at the pool, then pack &, shower, and eat dinner before getting a cab to the airport. It had just started to rain when our cab arrived and it poured throughout the ride to the airport. When we arrived at the airport, we were informed that our plane had mechanical problems, had been replaced with another, but that the flight would be delayed 2 hours. KLM did give us vouchers for a sandwich and drink at an airport cafe. As we walked to the cafe to collect our refreshments, we noticed yet another offering (to the Gods) There was one outside of every shop and some shops even had little alters mounted on an inside wall. Of course they all contain a lit incense stick.
G - Look at that offering!! It has a cigarette and a mint on top of the flowers.
P- It must be an offering to the god of sex!! Give some flowers, eat your breath mint, and when it's all done, smoke a cigarette.
G- Hahahaha!!!!! And look, it's right across from the duty free liquor store. That must be what the money is for; to buy the liquor. How appropriate!
As it turned out, the flight was delayed for 2 ½ hours and we didn't leave Bali until midnight.
P- It makes no sense that most of the seating is inside the area where you board the plane, but they won't let you into that area until just before the flight is about to board.
G- It's asinine. We're stuck in the terminal, which has very few chairs, while all of the nice chairs in the boarding area sit empty. I asked the guards when they'll start letting us in there, but they just said later.
P- It's also annoying that, in all of the Asian airports we've been to so far, you don't go through security scanning until just before you board the plane, so you can't even bring on water that you bought in the terminal.
G- Yes, that is extremely annoying. When we take that cheap Air Asia flight that has no services aboard the plane, we won't even be able to bring on water.
P- How long is that flight? 2 or 2 ½ hours?
G- Yes. Something like that. I sure wish they didn't allow smoking everywhere in this airport.
P- I know. It's killing me.
The rain stopped as we boarded the plane. We were surprised that we were served dinner, and KLM has pretty good airplane food. Then we watched Eat, Pray, Love; well we watched some of it. The flight was not long enough to watch the whole movie, so we got cut off somewhere in India.