Feb 1, 2011

Scenes Around Phnom Penh

Very nice riverfront

              We thought that this was funny and that it made sense for both to be handled by one Minsitry.

I'm just going to nap in my hammock until someone comes to buy my fruit.

                         The end of the day, and classes, at the Buddhist Monk's University.

Meat market

This is the comedic tuk-tuk driver who almost got his ass kicked when he joked that Phyl is fat.

                                      Happy Chinese New Year to us!  Bring us a bucket of Kingdoms.

This city block was lined with barber chairs and people where getting haircuts.  We have no idea how the chairs are brought there each day, but we suspect it's on the back of a motorcycle.

Gotta pee while your driving? No problem, just pull to the side of the road.  This was on a 6 lane road.

We were never sure what these things are.  Presumably they are food, but if you shake them, they make good maracas.

How  many revolting flavors of potato chips can there be?

Food to go.  The whole restaurant goes.

Why would our Greek salad come with French dressing?

                                                           The produce department.

Another chicken takes a ride. Do you think they enjoy the wind in their faces like dogs do?

Come pick me up.  Yes we'll fit.  I only have 3 small bags.

This is a typical intersection.  No stop signs or lights; if they do exist, they are ignored. Everyone just goes very slowly and wiggles around each other. There is no horn blowing.

Adorable baby at Karma Cafe.

Views of rice fields on the road to Killing Fields.

Mekong River with vegetable garden growing along the bank.

Sidewalk department store.