Feb 8, 2011
Is That a Worm in Your Butt?
Jenny had an aunt named Srei working the beach who was about 30 years old. She had a cute little helper named Yon, about the age of 16. Srei happened to be the one who asked if we wanted massages at the exact time that we did. We negotiated a price of $5.00 each for an hour long massage which took place on our beach chairs. We were instructed to lie on our stomachs, and were assisted in wiggling out of our bathing suits, as they were pulled down to our waists. The beach workers always watched Phyllis intently and 'could not help but see', her large breasts.
The routine was always the same during each of the 4 times we got massages. The girls would talk to each other, and the passers by who would also sit and chat for a while, as they massaged us. Honestly, for the cost of only $5.00, we would receive an exfoliation and a really good massage.
One day while we were being massaged, and the girls were involved in an intense conversation, the girl massaging me sat facing my feet as she rubbed my legs. I looked over as Phyl's chest was being massaged, and we had a WTF? conversation with our eyes. Later, we discussed our thoughts.
G- Could you see what the girl was doing as she massaged my legs?
P- No, I was too busy wondering how low Srei was going to go as she massaged my chest. I swear she was making her way down to my nipples when she stopped just short.
G- Well my girl would rub up my leg until her hand hit my crotch, then she'd stop and go back down. At first I thought, well that must have been an accident and I'm sure she'll stop sooner next time. Nope!
She zipped right back up my leg, hit my crotch, then headed back down. This happened for as long as she massaged my legs.
P- It's really no big deal to them. They just don't seem to have the boundaries that we do. You'd think we'd be use to it by now, but I just can seem to stop thinking it's too bizarre for words.
G- I'm not sure how long it will take me to get use to it. I was lying there thinking that she was massaging me like I vacuum. I push the vacuum under the sofa and keep going until I hit the wall. That's what I do over and over again until I'm finished vacuuming under the sofa. Well, for purposes of my massage, my crotch was the wall.
P- Bwahahahahahahaha!
G- And did you see that guy next to us?
P- No, the one who's part of that honeymoon couple?
G- Yes, him. He must not be European, maybe Australian or American, because he was wearing long board shorts instead of the usual weanie bikini. Well, he was on his stomach when she rubbed up his legs right into his shorts, up to his ass, without skipping beat. He jumped, lifted his head and looked back at her. When he saw that her head was turned talking to the girl massaging his wife he put his head back down and closed his eyes. It was funny! I wonder what he was thinking.
P- Probably something similar to what we think................ did I order the happy ending massage by mistake?
Up and down the beach tourists were availing themselves of cheap massages. Most of the people were Europeans, much more comfortable with nudity than Americans, and no one batted an eye as boobs escaped or butt cracks saw the sun during the massaging process. Of course the guys wore weanie bikinis and the women skimpy bikinis regardless of age or body fat. I began to feel uncomfortable being so covered up and wished that I had brought a bikini. I made a note to get one before arriving on the European beaches.
G- I'm going swimming. I want to wash off the oil.
P- Good idea. I love that water. Besides being so beautiful to look at, it's the perfect temperature.
G- Yes, not frigid like the Pacific, but not quite as warm as the Gulf of Mexico during the summer.
P- Very calm and clear. I like that I'm not beaten up by waves as I enter the water, and I like that I can see my feet when the water is up to my neck. Plus there is nothing swimming around in it.
G- I don't know, yesterday I saw a little jelly fish, but that's the first and only one I've seen.
P- Don't tell me that. You know I hate things like that swimming with me.
G- Well just be on the lookout. If you hate that there was a jelly fish, have you seen the little leech looking things?
P- No, I haven't!
G- Look, there's one.
P- You're ruining this for me.
G- I keep a very close eye on these things because they scare me.
P- Now who's the wuss? Why do they scare you? They are not leeches.
G- Because I'm worried that they laid millions of microscopic babies that swim & crawl into your butt or up your eurethra when you pee. Then they live in your intestines or bladder, making you sick or causing extreme pain.
P- You might be the most twisted person I know!! Where do you come up with this shit?
G- I don't just make it up, Ms. Can't Remember Shit!! Don't you remember that show we watched in Chiang Mai? Maybe it was on the National Geographic Channel. Oh, it was Mystery Diagnosis. One segment was about a woman ingested water, in some river in Africa, and got stomach worms, and the other was about some guy who swam in a lake in Asia and got worms in his intestines. They were both having terrible pains. The woman's were discovered during a fecal test and the guy found out about them when he shat one out one night.
P- Oh my gawd!!! I do remember that show. Thanks Agnes, now I'll be freaked out everytime I swim in the beautiful Gulf of Thailand. You're a freak.
G- Maybe so, but I'm a freak that won't be shitting worms, because I'm a cautious freak!! I'm going to shower. Enjoy the remainder of your swim.
P- I'm coming in now too. You're not leaving me out here alone with the butt worms.
Happy hour started each day at 5:00 pm and the Angkor draft fell from 75 cents to 50 cents per glass. We typically went to the hut between 4:00 – 4:30 to shower so that the water wouldn't be freezing. I haven't yet mentioned that all showers on Otres Beach were cold water only. This was difficult for me to get use to because I like a scalding hot shower. I'd go in while the water in the tank was still slightly warm from the sun, and by the end of the 2 weeks had stopped complaining of my misery. As I showerd water would lap against the wall and floor causing some of the dirt from outside to seep in, but it was still daylight, so I needn't worry about roaches. The walls were plastic over the palm walled hut and were stained and mildewed. The shower head was funky, and we had already wiped the soap dish down the first day we arrived. It was hard to imagine that we could actually be getting clean in this shower.
P- You finished already?
G- No, there's no water at this time. You hear that noise? That's the sound of the sistern being filled from the well. I'm told that when the noise stops, the water will come on.
P- Yikes! Water just pumped up from the well? It's really going to be cold today.
G- Yay! I can't wait.
P- What are you looking at?
G- I'm watching Jesus lead his yoga class and wondering if they can concentrate with those cows walking around them.
P- I bet you never had cows in your yoga studio.
G- Nope. But I've never done yoga on a beach before either.
P- You should do a class before we leave.
G- I just might do that, only problem is that it interferes with happy hour.
P- Priorities!
G- I guess mine are misaligned.
This night we ate dinner at Sunshine Cafe, a mellow, hip restaurant & bar down the beach. We slurped up every last drop of the pumpkin, coconut, & chicken curry. It was positively divine!