Although Rob had been in Bali for 3 ½ weeks, he had never been to the beach and was excited when we told him we'd take him to the beach. The weather had settled into a typical New Orleans pattern of morning sun and an afternoon thunderstorm, so it took a few days to get an afternoon that wasn't rainy.
We walked down the narrow alley and again had to flatten ourselves against the wall several times to let motorcycles pass.
G- This really should not be allowed. If it's a foot path, motorcycles should not be allowed to come this way. I'm afraid one of them is going to roll over my long toes.
P- Your toes? The last one that passed had a side mirror that stuck out so far it scraped across my boobs.
G- Oh, yeah, me too. HA! Really, you should have turned the mirror in. That is ridiculous.
Rob loved the beach! Really, what's not to love? We played in the waves until we were worn out. Rob was like a little kid. Then we sat on beach chairs, under an umbrella, while Rob talked of feeling the UV rays. We weren't feeling any UV rays penetrating those thick clouds, but we didn't grow up under the London clouds and fog. Hawkers came around trying to sell us crap that we declined, until a Bintang beer man offered us ice cold beers, pulled from his ice chest. Now that's something we'd like to buy!! We watched the surfers, swam again, and after a couple of hours, walked back to the hotel.
After dinner Rob tried to talk us into going to a bar to listen to loud, rave music. Um, thanks, but no thanks. We learned the next morning that he 'took a nap' because it was too early to go out, and never woke up. So much for Mr. Party Animal!