Dec 5, 2010

Make Banana Strong

Sinar Bali Dining area
Our first day back at Sinur Bali was vegetation day. We got up, ate breakfast, worked on the internet (we had no internet access at the Bulan Baru) and lounged by the pool all day. We even ate dinner at the hotel restaurant. The hotel staff welcomed us back with smiles. Garth & Pam were still there, as was the odd guy who sat on his patio all day either reading or on the computer; even he welcomed us back. Unfortunately my head cold worked it's way into my chest and I began to have a nasty crouping cough.

The next few days pretty much followed the same pattern. Because I was not feeling well, waking up every morning with diarrhea and having to blow my nose & cough up copious amounts of mucus, we stayed close to the hotel. Also I was exhausted, and having to be out in the heat and humidity for everything other than sleeping, was really wearing me down. The only respite was to stay in the pool. Fortunately my cough drops were now ant free!

We met a British guy, Rob, in the pool. He had been living in Australia for the past 4 years and was currently in exile in Bali, for 30 days, due to visa issues. He seemed pretty lonely, missing his girlfriend, and was ready to go back home. His room had an awesome mini fridge that kept beers very cold and he lavished us with ice cold beers that first afternoon. He definitely knew the way to our hearts. We spent several days chatting in the pool and going to dinner together. Rob was a big dude, and a BIG eater, usually ordering 2 meals at dinner. At only 33, his metabolism had not yet slowed to a snails pace. Several nights we ate at Patrick's Warung where we actually ate pretty good Mexican food. The girls who worked there were adorable and they had the coldest beer we had in Bali.

Of course, like everywhere, we were harassed by the hawkers while we ate.

Hawker #1 – You look DVDs.

G- No, thank you.

Rob – What movies have you got?

P- Are you interested in buying anything?

Rob- (British accent) No. The quality of the movies is absolute rubbish.

G- Then stop encouraging them to talk to us.

Rob- It's fun.

Hawker #2 – You want wallet?

G- What the hell? (flames shoot out when you open it) That's about how fast money can go when you're traveling.

P- Oh, and everyone needs a flaming wallet.

Rob – No, thank you. Please go away.

Hawker #3 – You want lighter? Sunglasses?

Rob- No. Please go away.

Hawker #3 – (leans into Rob conspiratorially) You want pill make your banana strong?

Rob- (shocked and appalled) What?! No! I don't need anything like that!! Piss off!!!

P- hahahahahahahah

G- hahahahahahaha (to Hawker) Dude, he's only 33, go find someone old to sell that to. Freakin hilarious.

Hawker #4- You buy CD?

G- No, thank you.

Hawker #4- Look, Pink, John Lennon, Beyonce, Michael Jackson.

Rob- Look, we're trying to eat. Please, go away!

G- (to Rob) You're encouraging them. Don't make eye contact.

Rob got us into a bad habit of getting ice cream bars on the way back to our hotel. The problem was, the shop was, of course, not air conditioned, and even if we had made it through dinner without sweating, we'd start dripping while buying our ice cream.