The Puri Bunga Cottages was a very beautiful place, but the 82 steps were killing us and the price exceeded our budget. We had been told that Lombok was cheaper than Bali, but we were not finding that to be the case. We had searched the internet and found cheaper accomodations further north on the coast.
G- I feel like shit this morning!
P- Your throat is still hurting you?
G- Yes, it's killing me, I feel like I'm coming down with a cold, and now I've been attacked by the scourge of all women. Whah! I wish I could snap my fingers and be home until I feel better. And we're moving again.
P- We're not going far and we'll stay there until you feel better.
G- (whimpering as I pack) Ok.
We checked into Hotel Bulan Baru (new moon) and were thrilled over the fact that it was on ground level.
P- Praise Gawd! I'll be happy to stay here until you feel better and my legs stop aching.
G- Me too. I'm sweating. Let's get into the pool.
P- What do you think of that bathroom? (It was attached to the room & private, but it was outside.)
G- I'm not sure. I guess it'll be cool showering under the stars, and there is a screen to keep out the bugs. I guess we'll find out.
After cooling off in the pool we left for a walk on the beach. We crossed the road, walked through, what we thought was the correct coconut grove, but ended up being the wrong path, past a cow and piles of construction garbage being picked through by a woman and a boy. We were happy when we reached the beach. As we walked along the beach, we spotted, off to our right, a group of naked boys swimming. We headed left and began picking up pieces of coral that were scattered all over the beach. In short order, we were approached by the group of 5 naked boys (ages approximately 7-10). They smiled and spoke animatedly in Indonesian.
P- Hello. Do you speak English?
Boys- Speaking in Indonesian.
G- I guess that's the answer. No. (we continued to slowly walk down the beach)
Boys- Laughing & talking to each other.
P- I know it's no big deal, but all the naked children on the beaches still surprises me.
G- Being naked is great! I'd like to be naked.
P- I think once you reach puberty, you're required to keep your clothes on. I'd like to be naked too, but I think we'd better not. Please keep your suit on, Agnes.
G- Wait. They're not just being naked. Are they doing what I think they're doing?
P- I believe so!
G- I'll be damned!! Little bastards! I haven't been woo-wooed in almost 20 years.
P- And I've never been woo-wooed by a group of little boys. I find it kind've disturbing. The little perverts.
G- Well, I think they're trying to get some kind've shocked or startled reaction out of us. (The boys continued to dance around yanking on their weiners and flapping them at us as we walked off ignoring them.)
P- I got news for them, I wasn't impressed when a grown man woo-wooed me, I'm surely not reacting to those little gerkins.
G- Freaking boys/men, they're the same all over the damn world, so proud of their weiners.
Once the kids realized that we were uninterested, they ran off. We continued to walk the beach and look at the beautifully colored coral pieces and shells. There must have been a great coral reef just offshore, but the waves were very rough, we had no snorkels/masks, and there was a rocky barrier (like lava flowed there and hardened) between the beach and the water.
After a while we returned to the hotel and the pool where we met (left to right) Edward, Amanda, Olivia, and Julie, Aussies from a little town outside of Perth.