Aug 14, 2010

Ferries suck!

This morning we got up early to make the 2 hour drive from Seattle to Anacortes to catch the ferry to Shaw Island in the San Juan Islands.   The ferry had been running behind and we were told to arrive 1.5 hours before the departure time.  We arrived at 10:55 to catch the 12:30 ferry only to discover that the 12:30 ferry was already FULL and we were the first car in line for the 3:45 ferry.  Yes!  You heard me.  We had to sit in line at the ferry terminal from 10:55 - 3:45.  If that wasn't bad enough, the 3:45 ferry was late and didn't actually leave until 5:00 pm.  It was a fun day!!

Because we were the first car in line, we were parked at the very front of the ferry and could sit in Stormy with a perfect view. It was a beautiful day and the ride to Shaw Island was incredible.

We were headed to Shaw Island, in the middle of the San Juan Islands, even though there are no hotels, restaurants or other visitor accommodations.  We had arranged to do our first CouchSurfing on Shaw Island with a couple named Carole and Brud.  Brud is the Island's fire chief and she retired from the Island's school where she taught Spanish to the 17 students who comprised the entire student body.

Upon arrival Carole showed us around her property, introduced us to her golden retriever, Luna, and her 29 exotic hens and the lone rooster, Boots.  The front of the home faced a bay and in the back of the home was a beautiful garden.  (see Picasa album for additional photos)

Phyllis cooked jambalaya and Carole made a salad using flowers from her garden.  We enjoyed a bottle of wine and got acquainted.  After dinner Carole showed us photos from her trip to Turkey, where we plan to travel one day.

As for sleeping arrangements, we had the option of the guest room in the house, the bed on the large wrap-a-round porch, or the bed in the lean-to down by the bay.  We selected the bed on the porch and fell dead asleep.  The night was still and utterly silent as there are no crickets, cicadas or other night sounds.