Aug 7, 2010

Want some cheese?

This morning dawned with sunny, blue skies!  WRONG!  We awoke to more clouds and fog.  Do you think we are bitching about this?  Well we are because we have become spoiled by the perfect, cloudless, blue skies of Pleasanton, CA.  and we think that perfect weather should follow us everywhere we go. So nah!

 We continued up the coast and stopped at several more lookout points over the sand dunes.  We passed through Lincoln City, a fairly large bustling beach town with a Tanger Outlet Mall.  No, we definitely do not want to buy anything.  Our memories are not so short and we are still in purge mentality. 

Then we headed inland to the Tillamook Cheese Factory.  We feel like we're on some kind of a kitchy road trip.  Maybe we are, but part of that is fun.  We drove past a lot of pasture land full of grazing cows.

P- Excuse us ladies, but are Oregon cows as happy as California cows?
G- Pull over so I can take a picture. Isn't it funny the the cows stop grazing and look up at you?
P- Their probably thinking "freakin paparazzi!" 
G- "Paris Hilton is in the next pasture."
P- And look at that one how she is straining to eat the grass on our side of the fence.  Don't ya think it all tastes the same?
G- Hey, the grass is always tastier on the other side of the fence.  I guess cows are no different than people.
P- You stupid!
G- Holy crap!  Look at the parking lot!!
P- Several parking lots full of cars.
G- You'd think they are giving something away here.  Oh, they are.  Cheese!!!

The Tillamook Cheese Factory was packed.  We followed the other human cattle in and got in line to sample the cheese as though we'd never tasted cheese before.  Hell, we've got cheese in the car and much more expensive, designer cheese at that, but we were hungry.  Dude, no double poking with your tooth pick.  Nasty bastard!!  At the end of the cheese tasting line is the store.  Imagine that!  We'd better stock up on Tillamook cheese and bring some home since we can't buy it in the groceries. 

And before we left, you know we had to take this photo!!!  The chick I gave the camera to, because she had the same point and shoot camera as us, had to take the picture 10 times because she kept moving her hand and it kept coming out blurry.  Girlfriend!  This is the kind of thing you do quickly!  Get behind the cow and farmer, stick your faces through quickly, snap, get down.  Hurry the hell up!!!  And, just so you know, there was a warning on the back side of the cut outs telling people not to stick their heads completely through the hole, cause you know some dumbass got his head stuck in there!

You know that Phyllis refused to take the picture unless I was the cow!!!   On to Portland, OR where we spent the night.  Shout out to Wendi for helping us find a hotel.